Developed by the USA Department of Energy at Argonne National Laboratories, Tribology Division as, part of the NASA space program

The technology behind Boron-CLS-Bond® was awarded the prestigious R&D100 award 1991 for best new discovery

MotorSilk® Engine Treatment with Boron-CLS-Bond® was awarded the prestigious R&D100 award 1996 for best new product

Boron-CLS-Bond® holds a U.S. Government Patent #5431830 under the U.S. Department of Energy

MotorSilk® Engine Treatment is compliant under ISO 14064 and is the only engine treatment to qualify for Carbon Credits

Boron-CLS-Bond® products hold the Certification of Biodegradability ISO 14593

Boron-CLS-Bond® products are tested in accordance with ASTM standards

Boron-CLS-Bond® products are proven to not harm aquatic life and all LubriSilk® Greases have Harmonized Offshore Chemical Notification Format (HOCNF) Certification